Maandag 08 September 2014



SikaSet® Accelerator
Set Accelerating Admixture
Description A concentrated solution of accelerating, plasticizing, and shrinkage-reducing
agents. It is added to Portland cement to produce quick setting mortar.
Use To produce quick setting, low shrinkage, high strength concrete patches.
It can be used for sealing leakages and for plugging water infiltrations in concrete.
Advantages Rapid set time
Low shrinkage
Good adhesion
 High early strength & compressive strength.
Dosage Added to the mixing water within the range 1:0 – 1:5
Instructions for Use
Surface Preparation Chip away deteriorated, unsound substrate
Clean cavity completely.
Mixing SikaSet is to be used with fresh Portland cement.
Actual initial and final setting time will vary with different brands of cement and job
conditions, test with small quantities of cement to be used should be conducted on
job site to determine proper dilution ratio for the desired setting time.
Application As Waterplug
Plug cement paste into crack or hole. Hold in place with hand, until it has hardened.
As Dry Pack Mortar
Used for patching concrete structures.
Dry pack mortar is made with 1 part OPC + 2 sand + SikaSet diluted with 2 to 5
parts water, depending on setting time desired.
Technical Data
Form Clear liquid
Specific Gravity Approx. 1.28 kg/ltr
Storage Dry, cool, shaded place
Shelf Life 1 years when unopened
Packaging 200 kg drum/20 kg can
Avoid contact with skin and eyes
Wear protective gloves and eye protection during work
If skin contact occurs, wash skin thoroughly.
If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with warm water and seek medical attention
without delay.
Table of Contents
Sikaset2 ® Accelerator 2/2
Legal Notes
The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s current knowledge and experience of the product when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordances with Sika’s
recommendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such
that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising
out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written
recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s
suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request

Expanding Grout Admixture

Description An expanding grout admixture in powder form. By introducing micro bubbles into
the mix, it produces wet volume expansion and increased fluidity without

Uses Intraplast Z is used to increase cohesion in cement grouts and is suitable for use in
the grouting of :
Pre-stressed cable ducts.
Rock and soil anchoring.
Bearing plates.
Pre-placed aggregates.
Tunnel linings.
Pre-cast concrete elements.
Tilt construction wall panels.
Crack injection.

            Intraplast Z plasticises the mix with water reduction of up to 20%, thus
improving the strength of the grout.
            Gas generated during setting distributes bubbles causing expansion to take
place (3%-8% by volume) thus compensating for normal shrinkage.
The initial retarding effect of Intraplast Z improves grout penetration, reduces
water separation and bleeding.
            The expansive forces generated completely fill voids.
            Non toxic, non chloride.

Dosage 1- 2%
Typical Dosage 1.5%

Instructions for Use Add directly to the gauging water and mix with cement.
The mixture must be stirred continuously.
For pre-stressed concrete work, a mixing time of 3 minutes with a w/c ratio of 0.42
has been found to give the best results.
It is not recommended to add sand into the mix.

Technical Data
Form Powder
Colour Beige

Bulk density Approx. 0.7 kg / ltr
Shelf life 1 year if stored in unopened original container in dry, cool place
Packaging 20 x 0.75 kg bag

            High alumina cement and cement containing high content of fly-ash are not
suitable for use with Intraplast Z
            To obtain optimum results (flowability, expansion, bleeding, etc) the suitable
w/c ratio and Intraplast Z / cement ratio shall be determined through trial mixes.

Handling Precautions
             Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
             Wear protective gloves and eye protection during work.
            If skin contact occurs, wash skin thoroughly.
             If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with warm water and seek medical attention
without delay.
Legal Notes
The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s current knowledge and experience of the product when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordances with Sika’s
recommendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such
that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising
out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written
recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s
suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.

Sondag 23 Maart 2014


Pekerjaan floor hardener pada umumnya dilakukan setelah pengecoran setengah kering ditebar serbuk floor hardener tergantung kebutuhan 3kg/M2 atau 5kg/M2 (warna disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan)penebaran serbuk floor hardener harus rata dan diikuti gosokan mesin trowel finish.

Segera plastisitas atau set awal memungkinkan , lakukan smoothing awal dengan sudut minimum yang sama .
Setiap smoothing akhir yang diperlukan harus dilakukan kemudian dengan mesin berjalan pada kecepatan tinggi .

The Chapdur permukaan harus dilindungi untuk mencegah dini kering -out , krasing dan mekar
Oleh karena itu sistem yang cocok harus diterapkan pada beton .

Sendi Contruction , sendi ekspansi dan sendi lantai harus melihat - potong hanya setelah 24 hours.when slab telah mengeras , sendi bisa diisi dengan sikaflex sealant yang tepat sesuai dengan persyaratan lantai

menyembuhkan Waktu
Lalu lintas pejalan kaki                           :1 - 2 hari
Untuk lalu lintas kendaraan ringan           :7 - 10 hari
Sepenuhnya sembuh setelah                    : 28 hari

data Teknis
Bentuk : Powder

Warna : Natural , abu-abu , Abu-abu , Pebble , Hijau , Merah

Mohs Kekerasan              :7 - 8
Bulk Density                     : 1.4kg / l
Shelf Life                          : 9 bulan ketika belum dibuka
Penyimpanan                    : kering , dingin dan teduh tempat
Kemasan                          : tas 25kg

Catatan penting
Sebagai sifat material, pasir silika yang digunakan dalam sika " Chapdur " mungkin mengandung bahan organik yang menghasilkan pada munculnya bintik-bintik pada mengeras Sika " Chapdur " permukaan .
Bahan diawetkan harus dibuang sesuai dengan materi lokal regulations.fully sembuh dapat dibuang sebagai limbah rumah tangga berdasarkan perjanjian dengan aothorities setempat yang bertanggung jawab .
Kesehatan dan keselamatan informasi rinci serta tindakan pencegahan rinci misalnya data fisik, toksikologi dan ekologi dapat diperoleh dari lembar data keselamatan .

Tindakan pencegahan :
• Hindari kontak dengan kulit dan mata
• Pakailah sarung tangan pelindung dan pelindung mata selama bekerja
• Jika accurs kontak kulit mencuci kulit secara menyeluruh
• Jika mata, terus mata terbuka , makanan dengan air hangat dan mencari perhatian medis tanpa penundaan .




Injection Grouting system pada umumnya dapat dilaksanakan pada setiap struktur konstruksi beton sebagai berikut :Terowongan, dermaga, jembatan, basement, reservoir, Stp, kolam renang, dak atap, dak kamar mandi, kolom balok, fit lift, lantai beton, dan berbagai macam bentuk bangunan lainnya. 

Sikaset, Accelerator, bahan untuk perekat atau pengereas semen pada saat pemasangan peker / pipa, di area kebocoran kropos yang sudah dibobok sedalam 3-7 cm, dan sekaligus untuk menutupi permukaan beton yang retak, kropos, bocor, guna saat injeksi bahan yang dipergunakan untuk injeksi. Intraflas.z, bahan kimia yang berfungsi untuk campuran semen untuk injeksi dan berpungsi juga untuk perekat antara beton lama dan beton baru.

Sebuah tabung yang dirancang sesuai dengan kemajuan dunia konstruksi masa kini tabung tersebut ditekan dengan angin compressor dengan kekuatan tekanan 6 kg/cm2, sehingga bahan yang dipergunakan di atas dapat masuk dengan sempurna. 

Mengembalikan struktur beton yang kurang sempurna saat pengecoran seperti retak, kropos, bocor, rusak struktural, dengan adanya injection ini maka mengembalikan struktur beton yang kurang sempurna menjadi sempurna, karena perbaikan yang menyeluruh dengan menggunakan bahan pengisi yang mempunyai sifat dan kekuatan yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara teknis, pekerjaan injeksi dengan system ini menjamin keberhasilan yang memuaskan karena dikerjakan dengan cermat oleh teknisi-teknisi kami yang berpengalaman

Vrydag 28 Februarie 2014



Kebocoran Dinding Dan Lantai Basement
-Kebocoran Kolam Renang,Kamar Mandi,Toilet Dan Balkon
-Kebocoran Fit Lifit,Stp,Ground Tank Dan Reservoir
-Kebocoran Dak Beton,Talang Air Dan Atap Beton
-Kebocoran Darmaga,Jembatan Layang Dan Underpass
-Kebocoran WWTP,GWT&WTP

Waterproofing Membrane Torching/Bakar
Injeksi Grouting(suntik beton retak,keropos dan bocor)
Injeksi Grouting
Injeksi Epoxy
Waterproofing Coating Hi-Coates
Injeksi Polyurthane PU
Waterproofing Couting Cement Base
Waterproofing Couting + Kasa Mat/Fiber Glass
Epoxy Slef Leveling
Epoxy Couting
Floor Hardener
Core Drill/Coring Beton
Tel. :021-80471644

Dinsdag 14 Januarie 2014


Kebocoran Dinding Dan Lantai Basement
-Kebocoran Kolam Renang,Kamar Mandi,Toilet Dan Balkon
-Kebocoran Fit Lifit,Stp,Ground Tank Dan Reservoir
-Kebocoran Dak Beton,Talang Air Dan Atap Beton
-Kebocoran Darmaga,Jembatan Layang Dan Underpass
-Kebocoran WWTP,GWT&WTP

Waterproofing Membrane Torching/Bakar
Injeksi Grouting(suntik beton retak,keropos dan bocor)
Injeksi Grouting
Injeksi Epoxy
Waterproofing Coating Hi-Coates
Injeksi Polyurthane PU
Waterproofing Couting Cement Base
Waterproofing Couting + Kasa Mat/Fiber Glass
Epoxy Slef Leveling
Epoxy Couting
Floor Hardener
Core Drill/Coring Beton
Tel. :021-80471644

Untuk sambungan pengecoran,perbaikan retakan,antara beton lama dan beton baru,bahan campuran aditif plasteran dinding,lantai.

Menambah daya rekat adukan mortar,Mudah dilarutkan,Mempermudah pekerjaan mortar,Meningkatkan kelecakan sekaligus Mengurangi keropos dan retak

SIKA GROUT 2-15(new)
Sebagai bahan grouting untuk berbagai tipe aplikasi:baut angkur,landasan mesin/base plates,bearing pads untuk penyangga jembatan,bagian beton pre-cast,pengisi,rongga,celah,lubang dan perbaikan beton dengan mitode grouting.